Destination or Journey –
Years ago when we were traveling with young children, one of the questions we would frequently hear would be, “Are we there yet?” For children, the journey is something that must be endured to get to the destination. For example, if a child is going to Disney, the time it takes from home to Disney (the journey) is “boring”. The child just wants to get to the park as quickly as possible! For them, it is all about the destination.
For others, the journey is the exciting part. For example, someone who goes to college or a trade school may thoroughly enjoy the process (journey) of meeting new people, learning new things and participating in various activities. The destination, graduation, may be anti-climactic or even a let-down! For them, the journey (everything they experienced) was the best part of college or trade school.
Are you a journey-driven person or a destination-driven person? Neither is better than the other! For the most part, RVing Nomads are both!
The Journey
The journey for an RVing Nomad can mean many things.
1. Purchase
The journey can be the decision-making path to buying an RV. If you are a solo person, a couple or a family, the decision to buy an RV is not one to be made lightly or quickly! Each person must decide if this is a lifestyle s/he is comfortable living. Some couples don’t have the same vision about what it means to go RVing!
2. Trip planning
Another example of the journey is planning the trip. For example, determining the route you will take, the places you will stay and the things you will do. For many individuals and couples, the anticipation and excitement of determining all of the possibilities of routes and places you will see is almost the best part of the trip!
3. Going down the road
And then there is the actual journey of traveling down the road and seeing unexpected things along the way. Who knew Pennsylvania was so hilly and Florida so flat? As you go down the road there will always be those roadside markers that will tell you some event occurred on that site in 1901!
4. Your RV as a mode of traveling
“Snow birds” and “winter Texans”, those people who live or travel in northern states for the summer and a southern state in the winter prefer the comfort of their familiar bed, bathroom and kitchen as they travel from one place to another. An RV is their mode of transportation for the journey from one region to another.
The Destination
Some RVing Nomads are destination oriented. These people do not find the process of rolling down the road an enjoyable one. It could be because they don’t feel comfortable driving or towing an RV or it could be because driving (or being a passenger) anywhere, just feels like a waste of time.

1. Getting there
For destination-oriented people, the best part of RVing is getting somewhere, setting up camp, starting the campfire, leaning back in the zero gravity recliner and saying, “Ah, we made it!” Any of the trials and tribulations of the journey are soon forgotten once everyone is settled into their location for the night, the week, the month or the season.
2. Home base
For someone who is all about visiting family, friends or new geographic areas, their RV becomes their base camp. It is a home away from home, a familiar and comfortable place to relax and unwind at the end of a busy day of exploring or visiting.
3. The places you will go
There is a book by Dr. Seuss titled, Oh the Places You’ll Go. It begins with, “Oh the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!” The book focuses on the fun that will be had by seeing and doing new things. This is the destination-oriented person’s motto!
Are you a destination oriented person?
Enjoyment on the road is about a healthy mixture of journey and destination seeking. Our experience is that the people who most enjoy the traveling lifestyle have a combination of both an excitement about the journey and the satisfaction of the destination. Being an RVing Nomad is about enjoying the lifestyle, both the journey and the destination.
Your partners in travel,
Kathryn, Dave and Lucky
RVing Nomads
It’s a Lifestyle!
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