Greetings and Welcome to our RVing Nomads blog –

Dave and I are glad you are here!
We are RVing Nomads. Since 2018 we have been living full-time in our motorhome and exploring the country. There may be people who are reading this blog who:
• have been full-timing longer than we have, congratulations!
• are dreaming of buying an RV and having family adventures
• aren’t really interested in becoming an RV owner themselves, but are curious about the RV lifestyle.
The purpose for our website, blogs and future books is to stimulate and satisfy a sense of adventure in the reader. We want to bring to life and share the sights, sounds and tastes of different geographic regions! We also want to offer tips about RVing that we learned “the hard way”! We would like you, the reader, to be as excited as we have been about “what is around the next corner”.
Throughout our lives Dave and I have been adventure seekers. Some of those adventures were solo long before we knew each other. But most of our adventures have been during our marriage when we have had the support of the other saying, “Why not?” instead of “Why?” RVing is certainly satisfying our sense of adventure!

One of the experiences we will be sharing is about traveling with pets. Levi, our Anatolian Shepherd, loved everything about RVing: the journey, the destination and everything in between! Unfortunately he passed away from cancer and has not been able to continue the journey with us. Lucky, our 12 year old black and white tuxedo cat, continues RVing with us. He has NOT enjoyed the journey of traveling down the road, but always enjoys bird watching at all of our destinations!
To date we have experienced 28 states and counting. In our travels we have found new favorite foods, been inspired by wonderful people, and been profoundly affected by the places we have visited. It has been everything we had hoped it would be. The United States is a wonderful place to explore.
One of the tips we have learned while traveling is where to make our first stop to find the best local restaurants, businesses and attractions. It isn’t Google, Yelp or the Chamber of Commerce! It is a cigar store. Yup. Universally across the country, cigar store clerks seem to be unique ambassadors of their town! We understand many people do not smoke cigars, but maybe a cigar could be a gift for someone who does?
One of the things we never knew before traveling was how RVing could change your heart and your soul. A lot of things we thought we knew from history books isn’t the whole story, and a lot of what we are fed by the 24 hour news cycle is just hype. Through RVing we have had the honor of talking to people of completely different walks of life about their lives and their experiences. What we have learned is that as Americans, with all of our personal, political and geographic differences, we are much more alike than we are different.
This commonality was exemplified to us when we were eating at Davis Café (no website, 518 North Decatur Street, 334-264-6015), a cafeteria style restaurant in downtown Montgomery, Alabama. After choosing our meal and walking into the seating area with our trays, clearly looking like people who had no idea what we were doing, a man we had never met motioned for us to sit down at two open seats next to him at a long table. We chatted with the people at our table who were black, white or brown, both men and women, some in business attire and some in construction gear, some local and some from away like us. Everyone was welcome, and everyone was sharing a moment in time.
We didn’t really understand how this experience in Montgomery, Alabama fit into our RVing lifestyle until we ran across a quote by Mark Twain (1835-1910):
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.”
It is so true! We can’t wait to share our experiences and adventures with you!
Your partners in RVing,
Kathryn, Dave and Lucky
RVing Nomads
It’s a Lifestyle!
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Please visit our resource page of Special Places & Recommendations. These are businesses, campgrounds and professionals that have provided exceptional quality. When in their area we would use again! Please note, we do not receive any monetary benefits or discounts for inclusion in our Exceptional Services and Values section. We only wish to pass along the recommendation.
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